Contact form
Pair text with an image to focus on your chosen product,If there is no mention in the description of an item on our website, then this item of clothing should be a good fit according to our information. If we are aware that items are too large or too small, we will state this clearly in the product description. collection, or blog post. Add details on availability, style, or even provide a review.
Delivery Times
Orders are usually shipped within 1 to 3 working days after receipt of payment.
Miscellaneous Questions
Pangolini Kids only can be contacted in several ways. You can get in contact with us:
- via the contact form on this page
- by sending an e-mail to
- by texting us on our FB / IG pages
- by calling us +995 555 665 626 ; +995 568 677 777
We endeavour to respond within a few hours (within a maximum of 48 hours)